Yoga & Pilates Props

Searching for your savasana, facing your downward dog or trying to tuck your pelvis? Yoga and Pilates are excellent disciplines for increasing your fitness levels – and expanding your vocabulary at the same time!

The ancient practice of yoga combines movement,  meditation  and  breathing techniques  to promote mental and physical well-being – and  a good instructor will also explain the Sanskrit descriptions!

Pilates, a low-impact physical fitness system which promotes flexibility, muscular tone and endurance, with an emphasis on proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance - and important sounding terminology!

Whatever your age, gender or fitness level, yoga and Pilates can help you achieve a healthy body and mind by improving both your physical and mental strength to help you face the challenges of daily life with confidence. 

HLC’s Yogavni environmentally-kind products include yoga bolsters, yoga mats, yoga Mexican blankets, yoga accessories and yoga equipment, targeted Pilates equipment and more, all designed to complement and enhance your performance of both these life-affirming disciplines – whether you’re into shanti and shakti, or plantar flexion and pushing your tailbone! 

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HealthylifeCycle Vooma Lady in yoga pose

Yoga & Pilates Essentials


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